ANATASE Mineral: Chemical Composition, Physical and Optical Properties and Use Of Mineral Anatase

Chemical composition:
Anatase is a titanium dioxide mineral, composed of titanium and oxygen with the chemical formula TiO2.

Physical properties:
Color: Anatase can be colorless, white, gray, yellow, or blue.

Luster: Anatase has a metallic or submetallic luster.

Transparency: Anatase can be transparent to opaque.

Crystal habit: Anatase typically forms as small, well-formed, hexagonal or tetragonal crystals.

Hardness: Anatase has a Mohs hardness of 5-6.

Specific gravity: Anatase has a specific gravity of 3.9-4.1.

Cleavage: Anatase has perfect cleavage in one direction.

Fracture: Anatase has a conchoidal fracture.

Magnetic properties: Anatase is not magnetic.

Thermal conductivity: Anatase has a low thermal conductivity.

Optical properties:
Refractive index: Anatase has a refractive index of 2.48-2.52.

Optic sign: Anatase is uniaxial positive

Dispersion: Anatase has a moderate dispersion.

Pleochroism: Anatase exhibits weak pleochroism.

Birefringence: Anatase has a high birefringence of about 0.035.

Extinction: Anatase has an extinction angle of about 20-30 degrees.

Interference colors: Anatase typically exhibits first-order gray or yellow interference colors.

Relief: Anatase has a moderate relief.
Optic axis: Anatase has a single optic axis.

Anatase is not a commonly used mineral, but it is used as a source of titanium dioxide, which is used as a white pigment in paint, paper, and plastics.

Anatase is also used as a photocatalyst and in photoelectrochemical cells.

Anatase can also be used in the production of ceramics, and as a filler in paint and plastics.

In addition to this, it is used as a mineral specimen by collectors.
Please note that these properties can vary depending on the exact composition and impurities present in the mineral specimen.

        Source - Internet


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