Khondalite: Megascopic Identifications Of Khondalite, What Is Khondalite, Physical Appearance Interference Name Texture Shape Size Color Chemical Composition And Use Of Khondalite, Practical Of Khondalite

Khondalite: Megascopic Identifications

The Garnet Sillimanite Schists

Color: Dark green to black

Grain size: Fine to coarse grained

Hardness: 5-6 on Mohs scale

Texture (Foliation,Cleavage,Structure): Foliated (layered), sometimes with cleavage and well-developed schistosity

Mineral composition: Essential minerals include biotite-mica, hornblende, plagioclase feldspar, quartz, and K-feldspar. 
Accessory minerals include garnet, epidote, and apatite, silmanite, Zircon, Apatite.

Metamorphic facies: Granulite facies

Interference name: 

Parent rock: Shale or mudstone

Important use: Building stone, dimension stone, decorative stone, flooring
Ex- Konark Temples

Indian occurrence: Widely distributed in India, particularly in the Eastern Ghats and the Orissa plateau.

Note: This is a general overview of the characteristics of Khondalite and may vary depending on the specific location and sample.

 Source: Internet

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